We are all Registered Acupuncturists!
If you are looking for a method which can quickly resolve your pain without side effects you should consider a visit to City acupuncture Clinic is located in 16 / 35, West Parade, Eastwood, NSW.
We are ACC registered acupuncturists; in our clinic we have two qualified ACC acupuncturists, all with both NZ & AU qualifications.
Our team is professional, friendly and trustworthy and our treatment is natural, healthy and effective. In our clinic we provide acupuncture and meridian massage, deep tissue massage, and herbal treatments. This combination not only helps to relieve pain but also stimulates the body’s natural self-healing ability. After your treatment you will feel refreshed and wonderful due to increasing the circulation and flushing the body’s toxins.
Practiced for over 1000 years in ancient China acupuncture has been accepted worldwide. Treatment is not only used as a pain relief method but can also be used to treat many internal organ problems.
We not only specialize in relieving different kinds of muscular pain but also headaches, migraines, vertigo, insomnia, weight reduction, tiredness, women’s problems. We have many success stories & satisfied patients. If you suffer from problems with your vertebrae or bones after you have seen chiropractors or osteopaths come & visit us to deal with your soft tissue, when your soft tissue is relaxed you will enhance the treatment result. If you suffer from disease & don’t want to take medication, you also can come & see us, we can personally design a plan including treatment, self-management, self massage, diet suggestions, and exercise. These combinations will give you a fresh new life.
from - $75
Cupping (30mins) - $40
Ear Acupuncture (30mins)
Thread Rejuvenation
Face Lifting
Paul Han
Bch. in Acupuncture
Dip. in Chinese Herb Medicine
Membership of New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists Incorporated
Chris Yang
Bch. in Acupuncture
Dip. in Chinese Herb Medicine
Membership of New Zealand Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Society
The treatment Paul provided was great. He is really careful and kindly person. I'd definitely recommended his clinic for everyone who's in need to improve your health.
- Luis Proto.
My back injury is treated during the process and Paul went the extra mile and also treated my painful neck, amazing experience and will visit again~
- Nancy Nguyen.
I had severe pain on my left knee ailing from having sprained my ACL while hiking. After my incredibly effective acupuncture treatment sessions with Paul, I am happy to say that as an active person, I am now pain-free and able to walk and run as I used to. I definitely recommend City Acupuncture and to see Paul Han for a consultation for treatment. ~Joanna Kuang
Suite 16, Level 1,
35 West Parade,
NSW, 2122.
Call: 0421-153-322
Call uCall us : 0421-153-322s : 0421-153-322
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 11:00AM – 19:00PM
Saturday – Appointment Only